Akshay Kumar The Bollywood actor always hard worker and it's known to his fans.Although past 5-6 years and recent he doesn't act in action movie,but Akshay always try to give his 100% to make entertainment in film.
Recent years his many comedy movies get success in business.Riding building,marshal arts, jumping from high,weight uptake etc are the common words with his name.
Akshay Kumar now busy in shooting set of movie "Joker" directed by Shirish Kundar.In this shooting Akshay played with fire once again.He spread fire from mouth picture bellow-
Somedays ago Akshay done this task in promo of new film "Deshi Boys" .Actress Sonakkshi Sinha acts with Akshay in first time.
Tag: Akshay Kumar's current shooting film| Fire game of Akshay Kumar| shooting photo of Akshay