Sep 28, 2014

New Born Baby in Clinton family | Photos of Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky

Previous President Bill Clinton and previous Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at last have the titles they have since quite a while ago needed: Grandpa and Grandma.

Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky with Grandmother and grandfather

Their little girl, Chelsea, conceived her first tyke — with her spouse, Marc Mezvinsky — on Friday and posted the news on Twitter early Saturday. "Marc and I are brimming with adoration, stunningness and appreciation as we praise the conception of our girl, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky," Ms. Clinton said.

Mr. Clinton, in an announcement on Saturday evening, said that "Charlotte's life is headed toward a decent begin."
Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky with Parent

"Chelsea is well and shining," he said. "Marc is blasting with pride."

As late as Wednesday evening, Ms. Clinton was in front of an audience conveying talks and directing boards at the Clinton Global Initiative assembling in New York.

The Clintons’ soon-to-arrive grandbaby was a constant topic of conversation at the meeting. When asked by CNN if he would “baby-proof” the White House — the implication being that Mrs. Clinton would not only run for president in 2016 but also win — Mr. Clinton replied, “One thing at a time.”

News 28.Sep.2014

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