Feb 7, 2012

Beyonce after baby born,First appearance in public place

Beyonce stepped out to support the first of two nights of Jay-Z performing at Carnegie Hal. Beyonce Knowles showed that her post-pregnancy body is impressive in his first public appearance since having a child.

The singer is 30 years, who gave birth to her daughter Ivy Blue Carter on January 7 in New York last night to support her husband Jay-Z .
Beyonce is a slim stunning red dress by Alice Temperley teamed huge gold earrings and rings by Christian Louboutin platform heels.

The new mother was beaming with happiness as it was presented by Carnegie Hall to watch husband Jay-Z is a whole orchestra.
Jay-Z was inspired by his wife, the audience, and seemed as excited to see the glory of a song he wrote in his new child.

"You can say that Jay is the moon," the source of our magazine: "She asked the crowd, if the parents are out there, then I say" I do not think it means that one - it was hard.During the concert, Jay-Z was joined onstage by Alicia keys and enthusiasts in the crowd for their duet Empire state of mind.

On the Jay-Z during the benefit concert.Then he shows that a host of stars at the official after-party club Jay-Z 40/40. Beyonce is clearly enjoying himself and spent time talking to other guests.

"Beyonce has much more to say Hello to almost everyone, making circles all around the club Until Jay-Z and guests of the VIP-room," an onlooker revealed.

posted by Wasiul Bisaws © cover magazine     08.Feb.2012

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