Jan 1, 2012

True news about pregnancy of Selena Gomez

Many websites publish about pregnancy information of Selena Gomez. Some are referring to TMZ that Selena Gomez is pregnant now and the father of baby is Justin Bieber.Some publisher explain that Selena went to hospital for blood test and some test issue,after that doctor confirmed Gomez in pregnant. !!!

Rumors is made strong while some pregnant  photos of Selena Gomez spread online in several sites.But It true that all pregnant photos are edited and some are naturally unsubstantial.

And Justine Bieber is now staying with his friends and family in Canada.Some days ago a female fan told that she is pregnant and Justin is liable for it.But it also proved false when Justin challenged it.

Brother ! Now a days celebrities are not keep secrecy about their pregnancy also their personal information.So it need not to take as a true information about her pregnancy until Selena's declarations.

Remember that singer Byeonce declared about  her pregnancy when she was pregnant of six months. So wanna be confirm ? Follow twitter of Selena Gomez or keep connect with Groho Raj.

Tag: Actual pregnancy information of Selena Gomeg | Real news for Father Justine Bieber| Justin-Selena pregnant rumors| latest news for Selena| reliable info of celebrities

posted by Wasiul Biswas                        01.01.2012

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