Mar 18, 2012

Madonna may marry her little boyfriend | photos of Madonna's new lover

Madonna has been fall in love and she may marry her toyboy lover, because it has a real fear of being alone.

Pop star 53-year-old is currently dating dancer Brahim Zaibat, 24. His friend's star is to offer within one month of a Kabbalah center in New York, and the singer that he was kept waiting for the final answer.

"Madonna is a real fear of being alone, but she loves to have a man in your life, which is new and can be again," the source told British magazine Closer.
Madonna - who loves Brahim since 2010 - did not exclude the possibility of marrying again, he hinted that he could walk down a corridor in the future.

Tag: Madonna,Boyfriend Brahim Zaibat, photos of Madonna,photos of Brahim Zaibat,Madonna Brahim dating,step out with lover

posted by Wasiul Biswas                       19.Mar.2012

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